The middle parts of the proGram took the funkiest way to get into you:
St. James Infirmary- Sol Roots (live at the Hamilton)
What’s His Name- Thee Sinseers
Always Looking Up- BK Trio
Empty Streets- Vibration Black Finger
Bring Forth Change- BT ALC Big Band Ft. Alan Evans, Nigel Hall & Eric Bloom
Don’t Give a Damn- The Haggis Horns Ft. John McCallum
Burning- The Haggis Horns
Basics- Lexsoul Dancemachine Ft. Luiz Black
Do What You Like- The Phenomenal Handclap Band
More Or Less- Sly5thAve Ft. Marlon Craft
Vice Grip (Just Groove Mix)- J&B Kings
Assyko- Ajoyo Ft. Takuya Kuroda