In the second half of the proGram, a biGG greenarrowradio thank you goes out to Martin Pernas of Antibalas for being a live on air guest. We talked about the upcoming show at the Union Theater on Sunday, February 15th (with the incredible Zap Mama), the making & dynamics of such a vast band and a little bit about a project he has been involved in for a while, Dubspot. It is always exciting to share moments with people who I share pals with, in this case Martin and I spoke of Moist Paula, and how just a couple of weeks before, he was at her pad for an album trade. Small World, cool eyes:
Flashlight- the Clinton Administration
The Re-Encounter- the Mackrosoft
Adrift in Azland’s Mane- the Mackrosoft
Thank You All- Stanton Moore
Up to Here- Stanton Moore
Interluder- Steez
Supergalactic- Redtenbacher’s Funkestra
Diskette- Henri Pierre Noel (the Reflex Revision)
Don’t You Worry- Unforscene Ft. Alice Russell
Everyday- Kendra Lou & the Miracles
Grasshopper- Easlifenatural Ft. Erik Sumo
Takin’ You Back- Dayton Flic W/Justice Dilla X
Abyssinian Suite Pt 3- the Shaolin Afronauts
Soke Ijo- Ajoyo
Akory Tsikaby- Razia
Imbegi- Antibalas
***Live on air Conversation with Martin Pernas of Antibalas***
Dirty Money- Antibalas
Light Traveling Beneath Me (Secret Colors Remix)- Torvvo
Murilley- Rongetz Foundation Ft. Gary Bartz
Empty Gold- Halsey
Muted Whispers of the Broken Sky- Carmen Rizzo