Egg Lost

The first part of the proGram was in the right play on the right time:

Blackbird Says to the Crow- Jake Blount
Old Timey Grey Eagle- Jake Blount

You Reap Just What You Sow- Catherine Russell
Left My Soul in Memphis- Eddie 9V (live)
New Orleans- Eddie 9V (live)
Sweet Home Osaka- Johnny Burgin (live)
Pumpkin’s Boogie- Johnny Burgin (live)
Chamomile And Cocaine- Katie Knipp
Can’t Nobody Stop Me Know- Gerald McClendon
Groove ON Tonight- Gerald McClendon

Roxy Roller- Cherie Currie
Lizard Queen- Electric Feet
It’s Alright (With You)- Electric Feet
Pendlewitches- Spirit Galaxy

Chaikhana Transistor- Naujawanan Baider
Zanjeer- Naujawanan Baider

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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