The first bit of today’s proGram saw things differently than just yesterday’s eyes did:
Meeting Is Over- Piers Faccini & Moira Smiley
Red Sky- Chris Castino & Chicken Wire Empire Ft. Sam Bush
My Little Darlin’- The Del McCoury Band
Love Don’t Live Here Anymore- The Del McCoury Band
greenarrowradio promo- Jon Spear
Freight Car- Misty Blues Ft. Justin Johnson
Drivin’ Woman- Tinsley Ellis with The Heartfixers
Route Two- David Earle Johnson w/John Abercrombie & Dan Wall
Hit the Nail On the Head- Webb Wilder
Best To Bonnie- Zephaniah OHora & Hazeldine
Highway Butterfly- Steve Earle & The Dukes
These Days With You- Puss N Boots
Fishing By Latern- The Royal Arctic Institute
Popular- Pom Pom Squad Ft. Nada Surf & Matthew Caws
Hypothermic- Goodnight, Texas