I am proud to be a part of Russel Blake world as I truly feel he is someone making a difference in many people’s lives, musically and beyond. My conversation with Mr. Blake reminds me why I like to do what I do in my musical arena….and it is always nice to be reminded why you love something. With a new album due out very soon, I was blessed with the opportunity to debut it on greenarrowradio, with this honor comes a huge THANK YOU. Currently, Mr. Blake has 422 pieces within his repetoire encompassing Classical, Spanish Classical, Jazz Classical, Brazilian, Latin & Pop Music Idioms. As creator of The Universal Language Music History & Cultural Programme, Mr Blake has taught a variety of audiences from Kindergarten – High Schools, universities, libraries, prisons, hospitals & Art Galleries about the history of music. Mr. Blake was also the featured guest soloist at the 9th annual Bass Conference held here in Madison a few years back and was working very closely with Dr. Richard Davis at the time.
Mister Russel Blake
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