The middle part of the proGram had both sides covered just in case.
It’s My Time- Bobby Harden & The Soulful Saints
Ganimed- Angels Of Libra
In & Out- Angels Of Libra Ft. Jean Cortis
Scatter- Ghost Funk Orchestra
***pre-recorded conversation w/Seth Applebaum of GFO***
Bluebell- Ghost Funk Orchestra
Whiskey Makes Me Stronger- Eddie Roberts & The Lucky Strokes
You’re a Peach- Gold Leader
Kaik Gidelim- Altin Gün
Avalanche Of Love- WITCH Ft. Sampa The Great
Guanaco- Kiltro
Piña pa la Niña- Gotopo & Don Elektron
Sábado- Caixa Cubo Ft. Zé Leônidas
Telenova- Zuco 103
Flashback- Immy Owuso