Bumps on a Log

I went in early today to fill in for Rob Roberts and I decided to air of some tunes that make the bumps on the loG reach out and absorb. There’s a lot of new music and lonG music in this and all three of the sets from this marathon proGram. Here’s what the extra brouGht:

Life & Death of a Spoken Word- Gargle & Bosques de mi Mente
September 24th: Interval Dig- the Claudia Quintet

Enter the Drobe- Chrome Hoof
Kestrel Dawn- Chrome Hoof
Unsettled Cyclist Peleton- Tatvamasi
A Thriller in a Tempest- Zevious
Paris Roubaix- Miriodor
La Roue- Miriodor

Malmsbury Shale- Ross McHenry
From the Land- Pamela Sklar w/John Arrucci
Sansaz- Mr. Ho’s Orchestrotica Quartet
Bilad as Sudan- Kheswa & her Martians

Symphonic Soul- Henry Mancini
In Brindaban Forest- Phillips, Burman Hall & Lux Musica Ensemble
Conversation-Phillips, Burnman Hall & Lux Musica Ensemble
Utsav Mishra Gara- Ashwini Bhide Deshpande
Lasya- Anoushka Shankar

Burnside- Guy Buttery (live in KwaZulu)
The Infernal Machine- Fink w/the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (live)

The Smart Set- Geri Allen Ft. Marcus Belgrave
Itching in my Heart- Geri Allen Ft. David McMurray
Yesterdays- John Clayton Ft. Gerald Clayton
Ora- D.Bendigkeit/G.Levin/A.Tana/C.Amberger
Miles Ahead- Miles Davis (original Mono Recording)


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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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