The second half to the open-schedule fill-in proGram remembered when these colors were just fine.
Backslider- Pigeon
That Rainy Dawn (Winter)- Eje Eje
Tazidert- Bombino
Don’t Believe the Dancers- Tony Allen & Adrian Younge
Makossa No. 2- Lord Echo
Be Thankful- Lord Echo Ft. Lisa Tomlins
Seek & Destroy- Great Revivers
Fleet Streak- Kerbside Collection
AfrikSky- Cyro Baptista
Gato Morto…Gotta Move- Cyro Baptista Ft. Todd Clouser
Can’t See A Thing- Graham Czach Ft. Angelo Moore
The Everlasting Gobstopper- The Veldt
Uptown- The Rumble Ft. Chief Joseph Boudreaux Jr. (live)
Up Until The Morning- The Rumble Ft. Chief Joseph Boudreaux Jr. (live)