The extra portion of the proGram produced a pepper stuffed with worldly goodness….finally:
Cha Cha du Nord- Omar Soasa & NRD Bigband
The In Between- Mark Egan & Arjun Bruggeman
Joy Ride- Mark Egan & Arjun Bruggeman
Spirit Blues- Mark Egan & Arjun Bruggeman
Two Faces of the Moon- Sameer Gupta
Tyagaraja Dreams in Brooklyn- Sameer Gupta
The Falls- House of Waters
***Excerpt of pre-recorded conversation with Max ZT of House of Waters***
17- House of Waters
Patience- House of Waters
Bobby Babylon- Freddie McGregor
Little Girl- Freddie McGregor
Swinging King- Glen & Dave
Good Enough- Glen & Dave
Factory Girl- Little Axe
Method 7- Method of Defiance