I was able to get an extra hour added on to this week’s proGram to air my conversation with friend of the program, Jay Blakesberg about his latest Jerry-centric project, “JERRY GARCIA: Secret Space Of Dreams”. So what better way for me to be able to go into the attics of my listening life and find a few tracks that make some sense to me…for you….
Grateful Dawg- Jerry Garcia & David Grisman (live)
Think- Jerry Garcia Band (November 23rd, 1991 Bradley Center)
Neighbor Neighbor- Legion Of Mary (12/14/1974)
Zillionaire- Rob Wasserman Ft. Jerry Garcia & Edie Brickell
***pre-recorded conversation with Jay Blakesberg***
Deal- Jerry Garcia band (October 31, 1987)
He’s Gone- Grateful Dead (Rheinhalle, Dusseldorf 4/24/72)