What Wood You Do

The next portion of the proGram was counting rings and playing favorites:

Smile- Jack Waterson
Prepare For A Long Fall- Jack Waterson

Parameter 5- Moon Goose
Walking Backwards- Nik Turner’s New Space Ritual (live)
South of Reality- The Claypool Lennon Delirium

Carousel (Eccodek RMX)- Peppermoth
ZBRA- Nikitch and Kuna Maze
Feed Your Head- Defizit

Back It Up, Drop It- DeeWunn and Leo Justi
War General- Myki Tuff & The Friendly Fire Band
Stop Your Coming and Come- Steel Pulse

La Alegria- Taina Asili
Eena Mena Deeka- Rupa & The April Fishes
Umusuna- Flèche Love Ft. Rone

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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