Waterfront Pre-show

Filled on for an hour before the official start of the proGram, to let some jazz out, well whatever it was, I let it out like this:

Thanatos- Antonella Chionna ft. Pat Battstone, Kit Demos & Richard Poole
Nell’urna molle e segreta- Antonella Chionna ft. Pat Battstone, Kit Demos & Richard Poole
Rather Life- Antonella Chionna ft. Pat Battstone, Kit Demos & Richard Poole
Mission Cimbalom- Marius Preda
98 Strings vs Stern & Preda- Marius Preda ft. Mike Stern
Skin Game (Granny Said It)- Sweet Lu Olutosin Ft. Tyrone Jackson/Donald Brown/Mace Hibbard/Kevin Smith/Lester Walker & Henry Conerway III

Three Cornered Hat- Bill Cunliffe
Rhythm-a-Ning- Thelonious Monk Quintet
Every Man is a King- Gerald Cannon

Heaven- Pere Ubu (live at the Knitting Factory)
I Know the Problem- Stringfaced (live at the Knitting Factory)
There is a G- Burnt Sugar The Arkestra Chamber Ft. Dean Bowman & Julie Brown
Cremate Me- Mike Dillon
Coyote Hearing- Marco Benevento

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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