The first portion of the proGram knows it is art anyway you look at it:
Don’t Meddle In My Mood- Terri Hendrix
Dogging Me- Terri Hendrix
Lineboat Blues- Ben Davis Jr Ft. David Childers
In Your Way- Dudley Taft
greenarrowradio promo- Jeff Taylor of Altered Five Blues Band
Right On, Right On- Altered Five Blues Band
Funky Steampunk Blues- Professor Louie & The Crowmatix
Don’t Be A Sucker- Nikki Hill
***pre-recorded conversation with Nikki Hill***
Get Down, Crawl- Nikki Hill
Tell The Next World- Nikki Hill
Relief- Craig Baumann and the Story
Awhile- Craig Baumann and the Story
Even Though- Jason McCue
Chariot Choogle- T.Rex