In the middle of one of their most prolific periods to date, The Chris Robinson Brotherhood are riding a creative wave with a slew of studio and live records coming out amidst a rigorous tour schedule that only seems to fuel their fire even further. Their jaw-dropping new album, ‘Barefoot In The Head,’ marks the CRB’s third studio release in just two years, and it finds them pushing boundaries and breaking new ground with more joy and wonder than ever before. Overspilling with stunning musicianship and infectious energy, the album showcases the continued growth of Robinson’s songwriting partnership with his bandmates: guitarist Neal Casal, drummer Tony Leone, keyboardist Adam MacDougall, and bassist Jeff Hill. It revels in the kind of adventurousness that can only come from five artists tuned into the same sonic wavelength.
I’ve had the pleasure in the past to speak with Neal about upcoming shows in Madison as well as the last 3 new releases. This time around I got a chance to pick the brain of Drummer, Tony Leone. We discuss what the show on Sunday, November 19th at The Barrymore Theater will be like for those who miGht be new to the Brotherhood scene as well as why he has the best seat in the house possibly. We dive a little into the making of the new release and how returning to a familiar spot to create, went from black sheet to final product in a couple to few short weeks. We discuss one of the special guest collaborators on the track “Glow” off the new record, Alam Khan, and how his sound and being melding into their sonic and personal scene. It was interesting to hear what Tony said in comparison to Neal when in discussion about the band’s relationship and how, after being together for MANY tour dates and MANY albums in such a short period of time, these brothers keep making a tighter sound for us, and for each other.