I had the distinct honor to chat with Mr. Toby Marks (A.K.A. Banco de Gaia) about his new album FAREWELL FERENGISTAN as well as where he lives and a little about the attempt to Free Tibet. Here is a bit of info for you and then listen to our conversation.
We live at a time when we face some of the greatest challanges of our history. Can we afford to lose a people and culture which has understood and lived for thousands of years in harmony with an eocsystem which we seem to be fighting a losing battle with? Can we afford to let a vast repository of spiritual and human understanding which could benifit us all be destroyed to make way for more mines and factories which would only benefit some? The Tibetans will not use violence in their opposition to their oppressors – can we afford to wash our hands of them and accept that it is alright for the strong and ruthless to dominate the weak and principled? Our governments may not be prepared to stand up for what they say they believe in – freedom, human rights, democracy – for fear of rocking the trade boat, but we as individuals can; we can show our support for the Tibetan people, we can push for our public servants to do something to help, and at least the Tibetans will know that they are not alone in their fight to preserve their culture and beliefs, that others around the world also believe in the spirit, the heart and the dream of a world free of power-weilding bullies and their silent allies who look the other way.
For more information on the historical and present situation in Tibet, and details of what you can do to help, contact:
International Campaign For Tibet
1735 Eye Street
NW, Suite 615
Washington D.C.
Tel: 202 785 1515
Fax: 202 785 4343
Free Tibet Campaign
1 Rosoman Place
London EC1R 0JY.
Email: tibetsupport@gn.apc.org