When have I ever led you astray??? Do me a favor. No, correction, do yourselves a favor and check out www.myspace.com/desireebassett. Desiree was an in-studio gust the other day and I couldn’t be happier that she chose to hang out on greenarrowradio. Just 14…..yeah….I’ll wait for you to stop shaking your heads…..Just 14, she plays Purple Haze, All Along the Watchtower and rocks Santana’s SMOOTH with sister Jessica, all on her birthday. During Purpple Haze, she swung he guitar over her shoulders and played, during Watchtower she would be seen fingerplucking many notes and during smooth, she completed the deal by singing with a rock and roll emotion that made me go home and plug in that air-guitar and brush off the dust.
Introducing Desiree Bassett.
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