
Did a one hour fill in sharing some of the spotlight (at least time-wise) with the great debate. Here’s what I did while they told you what they’ll do..

Is it Hot in Here- EG Kight

Down on my Knees- Ayo
The Guitarist(U Don’t Know me)-Wendy St Kitts
Bamn Diddley- Woodfish
Mobile- Edgar Gabriel’s String Fusion
Rooster Blues-Rob Fried Featuring Randy Brecker
Get Down- Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue
Move your Body- Dayton Flic
I get High- Porter/Batiste/Stoltz (live)
Colon Pie- Skerik
Pop goes the Weasel- Grant Calvin Weston
The Revenge of the Black Widow-the VooDoo Organist
James Bond Theme-Rev Organdrum
Keep on Walking- Mad Juana
Xiang pi Xiao ya (Rubber Duckie)-Zhima Jie

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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