The first part of this week’s show was like the trike someone kept in just the riGht spot.
Old Man- Johnny Burgos Ft. Liza Colby
Flesh For Fantasy (Sessions Take)- Billy Idol
Motor City Love Machine- Steve Conte
Resurrector- Castle Rat
Red Sands- Castle Rat
Hey Candy- 9-volt velvet
Dazzler- Clone
Close- Gustaf
Sugar Fried Candy- Brigitte Purdy
Somewhere Else- Rick Estrin & The Nightcats
If You Don’t Blues It, You’ll Lose It- Val Starr & The Blues Rocket
Chasing Gold- Misty Blues Ft. Matt Cusson
Blues Never Ends- Misty Blues Ft. Diego Mongue Band
Somebody’s On Your Case- Cass Clayton Band
March On- Little Bobby
When Robert Made His Deal- Little Bobby