This year Henry Rollins turned 50 years old and to celebrate he set up some stops around the world to share some thoughts. The show was filled with the type of open minded stories and ideas that were very well received here in Madison. Mr. Rollins has some history here in Madison, which clearly makes his time spent here very special to him. He spoke for about two and a half hours with no break, no water……just pure anger with a purpose. He makes many in the audience contemplate, chuckle and even cringe at times with his tales of other lands. The “Who” he has met doesn’t matter as much as the situations that often present themselves to him as he travels. From times during Black Flag’s shows in the bottom of New York City’s underground scene to his time in Nelson Mandela’s personal mail collection, the show has twists and turns that were surprising, yet almost always seems to concluded with connection. I believe that Mr. Rollins truly gets the idea that we are ALL in this together and why the hell are some of us so blind to that fact. This is one show to catch, if it comes to a place near you. Your open mind will appreciate your efforts.
Henry Rollins “50”
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