The first portion of the regularly scheduled proGram took flight in the mosaic skies:
Trying To Love- We Banjo 3 (live)
Sinful- Alex Lopez Ft. Ellie Carr
Zakary- Heather Newman Band
His Soul- Heather Newman Band
Shake- Moonshine Society
Use Me on Gilded Splinter- Moonshine Society
Broke Ass Man- Mz Sumac
Hit And Run Lover- James Newman
Red Tide- Freddie Roulette
Middle Class Moan- Jeff Dale & The South Woodlawners
greenarrowradio promo- Mindi Abair and the Boneshakers
You Better Run- Mindi Abair and the Boneshakers
Across The Pond- Craig Baumann and the Story
Switchup- Southern Avenue
The Tea I sip- Southern Avenue