The first piece of the proGram made sure to give you a good soaking:
Potatoes- Johnette Downing and Dickie Knickerbocker
Farm Fresh Cookin’- Johnette Downing and Dickie Knickerbocker
No One Hears My Prayers- Anthony Geraci with Dennis Brennan Ft. Walter Trout
Corner Strut- Grant Dermody
I Got You (I Feel Good)- Sir Rod & the Blues Doctors
Velvet Windows (Treme Trippin’)- Wily Bo Walker & Danny Flam
Like Wildfire- Hurricane Ruth
A Reason to Sing the Blues- Laura Green
Baby On The Run- Mandalyn
She Breaks Her Own Heart- Peter Karp
Necktie Party- Steve Hooker
Helluva Deal- Paul Benjamin
Tramp- Branjae
As Far As We Know- Crushed Velvet and the Velveteers Ft. Brother GoodLove & Alan Evans