The second portion of the proGram grabbed ’em by the ears…cuz you know…it’s ok:
She Got Soul- Robert Randolph & The Family Band Ft. Anthony Hamilton
Let’s Roll- Mama SpanX
Ain’t I Talkin’ to You Baby- Saturday nite Fish Fry Ft. Shakura S’Aida
Two Parts Sugar, One Part Lime- Vanessa Collier
Good Morning, Good morning- Ed Palermo Big Band
Original Charleston Strut- The Fat Babies
(Secret Track)- the Microscopic Septet
After You, Joel- the Microscopic Septet
Blues Cubistico- the Microscopic Septet
Interlude One- Adam Rudolph’s Moving Parts
Interlude Two- Adam Rudolph’s Moving Parts
Glare of the Tiger- Adam Rudolph’s Moving Parts
Everywhere- Collocutor
If I Was President- Las Cafetevas
Bogota- Ondatrapica
Vamos A Batalla- Chico Mann & Captain Planet
Treacle Manifestations- Kaidi Tatham
D.R.A.M. Sings Special- Chance the Rapper
Get Ate- P.O.S. Ft. Gerald
Lanes- P.O.S.
Letter to the Editor- Thievery Corporation
Lose to Find- Thievery Corporation
Fingering Still
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