The first portion of the proGram kept the real in full sight.
Dead Man’s Flats- Lisa LeBlanc
Could You Wait ’til I’ve Had My Coffee- Lisa LeBlanc
Blues in Southern Comfort- Jim Stephens Ft. Boy Wonder
Make it Move- Jonny Lang
Fool Me Once- Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real
Once I was- Gregg Allman
Vintage Man- Savoy Brown
Built to Rock and Roll- Johnny 2 Fingers & the Deformities
Texas- Pile
Desperate Man- Ashley Raines & The New West Revue
Roll and Tumble- R.L. Boyce
Walk With Me- Laura Rain & the Caesars
Not That Kind of Girl- Mindi Abair & the Boneshakers
Still Got a Way to Fall- Hannah Willis & UMO Jazz Orchestra
Your Name- Bob & Gene
Bar Shift- The Eminent Stars Ft. Bruce James
Night People- Stanton Moore
The New Yorker- Brian Hill & The Noh Stars
East of the River- Harold Little
Stomp the Roaches- Harold Little
Feelings of the world- The Polyseeds Ft. Rose Gold & Chachi
Yojimbo (main title)- Joe Policastro Trio
Strykin’ Ahead- Dave Stryken
Trip- Mike Stern Ft. V.Wooten/D.Chambers/B.Franceschini