The first portion of the proGram took it to the road, over..under…through…on top…within…we GO!:
There’ll be a Jubilee- The Devil Makes Three
Rings of Saturn- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Only a River- Bob Weir
Not Crying Anymore- Angela McClusky
Paris to Hollywood- Angela McClusky
If the Seas was Whiskey- Madeline Peyroux
Every Thing I do Gonna Be Funky- Madeline Peyroux
Country Funk- Vaneese Thomas
Prisoner of War- Deb Ryder
Truth- Liz Mandeville
La Lucha- Eljuri
Unchain my Heart- Adrienne Fenemore’s Kiwi Blues
Bessie’s Bounce- Bruce Katz Band
*Jake Simabukuro greenarrowradio promo*
Hemiola Blues- Jake Shimabukuro
**Pre-Recorded Conversation with Jake Shimabukuro**
Kilauea- Jake Shimabukuro
I’m An Old Cowhand- John Scofield
Wildwood Flower- John Scofield
Leave Him Lay- Charlie Hunter
Latin for Travelers- Charlie Hunter
Boy 44- Todd Clouser
He’s Not Gone- Todd Clouser
Bread & Circus- A Love Electric
Telemasque- A Love Electric
La Vida Es Un Regalo- Thollem Electric