The final part of the proGram this week found the art in it all.
Cosmoturismo- Watch TV W/Mondomo
Chinatown (Michele Ranauro Remix)- Manupuma
Hi-Fidelity- LAVA LA RUE Ft. Biig Piig
Don’t Book Me- Buttering Trio
Encounter(vanish)- Kuedo
We Chillin’ Out- Kaidi Tatham Ft. The Easy Access Orchestra
Nothing You Can Do- Roy Shakked
Drop That Ghetto Blaster!- Mr. Big Mouse
Gorba The Chief- Sacher Musak
Agent Cooper Lurvs Coffee (loglady remix)- Twin Freaks
Islands- Ransel
Back From the Dead- Kings & Associates
Santomense- Neto Amado
Paramarera Boracho- Sonora