Stayed an extra hour to air some things out…come on out of your skin:
Anything Goes- Calabria Foti
Big Bill- Jane Ira Bloom
Eronel- Fred Hersch
Jeru Concerto (Interlude)- Brian Landrus Orchestra
Orchids- Brian Landrus Orchestra
Arise- Brian Landrus Orchestra
Divided We Stand- Andy Adamson Quintet
Transparent Dream- Andy Adamson Quintet
An Afterlife for Berta Caceres- The Liberation Music Collective
Solar- Shelly Berg & David Finck
3rd World- Shelly Berg & David Finck
Interlude- Vadim Neselovskyi Trio
Who Is It?- Vadim Neselovskyi Trio
Saura de Nazareth- Ron Francis Blake
I Hope in Time a Change Will Come- John Vanore
Greensleeves- John Vanore
Reuben’s Rondo- John Vanore