Brings us an album entitled: The London Book of the Dead and it is a unique, catchy, engaging, humorous and definitely worth-your-while. The album reaches a new apex of oddness for the British artist known both as the Clerkenwell Kid and/or Stephen Coates, who happily splashes the album with Tin-Pan-Alley electro-jazz oddness, mingled in with misty ballads and colorful vintage pop musics. There are moments you think your radio found a time machine and just kept going back further and further, and other moments of futuristic electronica fused with jazz that pops, snaps and stays within your head indefinitely. While a melancholy flavor may be dripped on the outside of each lyrical content, there is happiness in there that easily jumps out onto you and isn’t coming out so easily….The arrangements and instruments used are like the wide open road that is suddenly detoured for no good reason….there are many choices for sound production and the way we get to it is certainly under a direction unknown status.
The Real Tuesday Weld
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