The third and final portion of the other days program flipped the hourGlass and the eartime shared trickled thru the finGers…..
Bambora!- Curumin
Passarinho- Curumin
Tamino & the Temple of Dub- Gaudi
En Son de Pas- Frikstailers
Batuqueando- Frikstailers
This Road- a Tribe Called Red Ft. Black Bear
Head First- Junip
Clear Night Sky- La Luz
Call me in the Day- La Luz
Toronjil- Violeta Vil
Superhereos- Mic Crehshaw Ft. Dead Prez
Never Cry Wolf- Dark Time Sunshine Ft. Reva Devito
Nothing Changes- Tricky Ft. Francesca Belemonte
Fast Break- Amp Live
**Mowing Report with Moustapha**
ReAssimilate- Fatty DL
Set them Free- DJ Vadim Ft. Sabira Jade
Throw Down- All Good Funk Alliance Ft. Neighbour/Think Tank (Busta Remix)
Silent Warrior- Dub Gabriel Ft. P.J. Higgins
Shaz Tate- Hey, Rube
**Quick on air chat with Lauren from Midwest**