Ramblin’ w/Jack Elliott

In my days as a radio show host, I have met up with many interesting people and shared many interesting tales. On a night like this I was able to share words with another legend, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott. We shared stories of life together (I did a lot of listening), we caught the opening act together after sneaking around the underworld of the Stoughton Opera House from the backstage to the front room, and we made a “Cowboy” like connection. Hanging out in a stairwell telling stories has never been such a good time as it was with Jack, he is captivating beyond believe and genuine and sincere as a gentleman could be. Oh, and he ended up ditching me to go on stage and play a show that was much like the stairwell, opening the cover of the old book to add some new pages into it. His arrangements of other’s tunes has you in the prairie at times, riding a stallion at others but most of all, you, like me……could feel as if you were side by side with Jack living it for the first time together. Opening the show was friend of the proGram, Miss Meaghan Owens. Meaghan is a sweet songwriter with a Nashville appeal that captivated this night’s audience and is sure to make more splashes down the road with her beauty on stage as a person, her witty stylings and songs that ring true and remain in your mind after the show has ended. Oh yes, this was a good night.

all images by SWEET WILLIAM images.

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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