The High Noon Saloon has been home to many interesting shows for me personally since becoming a Madisonian, but I was truly curious as to what the Portland Cello Project would do to me as they prepared to have seven cellos spilling over onto the stage on this first Friday night in March. Opening artist and touring partner, Laura Gibson was such a treat for me with her vocals and arrangements together as unique as the moments shared together in a live music setting. Her touch to the words and sound altering microphone work gave me shivers at times and goosebumps at others. She had one and then two of the members of the Cello Project accompany her on a few tunes and then the night switched. The Portland Cello Project is a sight to behold and behear. I was blown away at the sound togetherness brings to songs that our ears are often trained to hear a certain way. From the Star Trek Theme to Rhianna, the Muppet Show Theme to Pantera, there were original Diva pieces in foreign tongue to a classic Duke Ellington standard. The lush plush nature of the instrument at times turned into a thumping terror and dance party leader. For me, when Laura Gibson came back out and did a rendition of the Leadbelly song, “In the Pines”, my night was solidified as a complete surprise and the joy of felling like I was part of something that was more memorable than I could have thought, reminds me why I support the scene.
Portland Cello Project
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