I was fortunate again this year to go with my class to the Madison Symphony Orchestra’s Fall Youth Concert and again it was a pleasure to see an entire hall filled with young people enjoying the sights and sounds. The 2011 Fall Youth Concerts highlight the intersection between great classical music and the visual arts. Vivaldi’s Autumn Violin Concerto, Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition and Copland’s El Salon Mexico will be accompanied by works by Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and other masters. The pieces were selected and played with great care while the visual art certainly made for a great collaborative spirit, as some of the students art was featured on the big screen as well as the above listed masters. The audience was attentive and the musicians were magnificent. Before we went to the show I played music that we would hear for the students and we water~colored to the sounds to inspire…..the spirit of togetherness was alive and the idea that art(s) can work together truly was achieved. A big thank you to the MSO for again providing us with a wonderful learning experience.
MSO Youth Concert
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