Enjoy Desdamona’s THE SOURCE.

Desdamona is the premiere female hip hop & spoken word artist in the Midwest. Inspired and empowered by rap and R&B, she moved to Minneapolis, to get noticed on the music scene. “I found open mics and started to perform my lyrics as poetry and I got known as a spoken-word artist, when the truth is, that’s not what I was initially. But becoming a spoken-word artist actually made me a better writer.” She has been awarded the MN Music Award for Best Spoken Word Artist for the past five years. her first full length cd, The Ledge, largely produced by Reggae legends Sly & Robbie. She also co-founded and produces B Girl Be, the only female hip hop festival to incorporate all four elements of hip hop. B Girl Be (named after one of her poems) celebrates its third annual festival in June, 2007. June 2007 also marks the release of Desdamona‘s second full length release The Source, which is a nationally released project on FS Music.
The Source is set to wake up minds and inspire those you always wanted to try, something. Desdamona shines THE LIGHT on those willing to look and listen, from true soul, a taste of hip hip and man if there isn’t a madd dash of Reggae flow mixed with a poetic reality. This album is the SOURCE of being aware that you are a human BEING not just a human DOING.



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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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