Sooooo What do you think..We have left the the old in the dust and have busted out the NEW. A NEW look that is. What do you think? The midnight backgroud is quite a change but Mustapha and I think we are finally heading in the right direction..Although as you know, we will certainly be off track before you know it. This week has reaffirmed the fact that large groups of people is a thing that yours truly MR.G needs to avoid. As a person who says it like it is….LOOK OUT. I went to Quincy Market in Boston the other day and oh man if there wasn’t a freak buggin me a each streetcorner. I tried to take a leak in the hotel that Red Sox’s slugger (disgruntled) Manny Ramierz lives, to no avail. I imagine his pee is better than mine. The blueman group was the true reason for this venture. It was worth the time. Yet, a small gathering of f thrill-seekers is still too much for me these days. With a strobe light and a hungry belly, a blue faced man is the last thing I guess I want in front of me….regardless, I reccommend the show to all who don’t mind crowds and some wacky fun. http://www.blueman.com

Hey, WHY SO BLUE?????

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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