The pleasure was all mine getting a moment to talk with Mr. Emmanuel. His work is that which I hear differently every time I get a taste. Tommy Emmanuel has a professional career that spans over four decades and continues to intersect with some of the finest musicians throughout the world. A household name in his native Australia, Tommy has garnered hundreds of thousands of loyal fans worldwide. Tommy’s unique style – “finger style” – is akin to playing guitar the way a pianist plays piano, using all ten fingers. But to me, this conversation reveals more than the love of songwriting and guitar playing, but a respect for the learning, teaching and the soul inside of style. If I am introducing you to someone new here, I hope you take more than a short moment to dive in, if you are one of the many who already are amazed by what you see and hear when Tommy Emmanuel plays, listen to our conversation here to perhaps see into ‘the mystery’.
I want to thank Tommy, his management and Kevin Richards at Favored Nations for helping me meet up with Tommy.
Tommy Emmanuel, more than the guitar.
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