Part one of three is time I went in EARly to air out the music baG…..with a lot of new music (as always happens) this part of the show set out to hunt it down and point it out….Here’s what happened:
From the Serene Republic- Temple Music
Space Orchid Vs. Massive Drumkit- the Grand Astoria
Vicus Lemurum- Palace of Swords
Help (the ultimate version)- Mats Morgan (live)
Corporal’s Lament- Blue Cranes
Legends- J.Surman/M.Osborne/A.Skidmore (live)
Wedding Song- São Paulo Underground
If I had a Tail- Queens of the Stone Age
Phantom Limb- Alice in Chains
The Conquest- Darquematta
Post McDonald Punks- Bad Cop
Turn Turn Turn…..- My Morning Jacket
Young Men of Promise- Yellowbirds
Tired of Being in Love- Kenny Roby
Day We Met- Sasha Dobson
People Always Look Better in the Sun- Soko
Young Minds- Emika
Road Wassoulou- Jayme Stone
Alexander Island- Jayme Stone
Walk On- Alastair Moock & Friends
The Devil Ain’t Lazy- Pokey LaFarge
The Big One- Bill Frisell
Uncle Walter- Ben Folds Five (live 10/05/2012, Kool Haus, Toronto)
Maletic Dowery- Of Montreal