It just seems like even with the radio world I float on and in, there are too often too many “too much, too long” moments that are difficult to have the music pull you throuGh. This final show of the proGram this week is one that is meant to help you be taken away from those kinds of things. I hope this helps:
Monkeys Eating Fruit-Chris Berry & the Bayaka of Yandoumbe
Congo Beat- Chris Berry & the Bayaka of Yandoumbe
Tree Drum and Gano-Chris Berry & the Bayaka of Yandoumbe
We free Again-Groundation ft Don Carlos/Apple Gabriel
Use to Laugh-Groundation ft Pablo Moses/Ijahman Levi
Captive Bird- Prince Alla
Mini Skirt- Kronos Quartet
Mazinka- 11 Acorn Lane
Exotic on the Speaker- Soulico ft Rye Rye
Queen of Hearts- Soulico ft MC Zulu
Benga Beating-
Following Dub- Phenomenal Handclap Band
Lights, Camera, Action- Madwhal3$
It’s on Fire-J Boogie’s Dubtronic Science ft Lateef the Truthspeaker
The Cat Stole the Moon- Leni Stern
An Saba- Leni Stern
Hora din Mahala- Mahala Rai Band
Lesley Metal- MarchFourth Marching Band
eh la Bas- Corey Harris
Red Shack Zydeco- CJ Chenier
Sun of Tut- Dr. Didg