The first half of today’s show took the small of it all and brouGht it into the full-foref-rontal:
Pennsylvania Turnpike- Al Scorch
Alpha- Kevin Blake Goodwin
Combatika- Kevin Blake Goodwin
Olalda- Jim Donovan
Rocket in my Pocket- Little Feat
Lonesome Whistle- Little Feat
Teenage Nervous Breakdown- Little Feat (live)
It’s All Blues to me- Sammy Eubanks
Sweet Little Number- A.G. Weinberger
Every Shut Eye- Alexis P. Suter Band
Everybody Pays Some Dues- Royal Southern Brotherhood
Super Bon Bon- Soul Coughing
Ohmerica- The Claypool Lennon Delirium
Lampost Light- the Twistettes
Mickey’s a Cool Drummer- the Minus 5
Robert Ryan is Among us- the Minus 5
Kashmir- Robert Plant/Jimmy Page (live)
A Cactus and a Rose- Roscoe Mitchell
Rhyme or Reason- Jane Ira Bloom
Addicted to Love- the Hot Sardines
When I get Low I get High- the Hot Sardines
Show Cat Valley- The Oatmeal Jazz Combo