The Small of the Whole Thing

The Small of it All

The Small of it All by Ryan McGuire

The first half of today’s show took the small of it all and brouGht it into the full-foref-rontal:

Pennsylvania Turnpike- Al Scorch
Alpha- Kevin Blake Goodwin
Combatika- Kevin Blake Goodwin

Olalda- Jim Donovan
Rocket in my Pocket- Little Feat
Lonesome Whistle- Little Feat
Teenage Nervous Breakdown- Little Feat (live)
It’s All Blues to me- Sammy Eubanks
Sweet Little Number- A.G. Weinberger
Every Shut Eye- Alexis P. Suter Band
Everybody Pays Some Dues- Royal Southern Brotherhood

Super Bon Bon- Soul Coughing
Ohmerica- The Claypool Lennon Delirium
Lampost Light- the Twistettes
Mickey’s a Cool Drummer- the Minus 5
Robert Ryan is Among us- the Minus 5

Kashmir- Robert Plant/Jimmy Page (live)
A Cactus and a Rose- Roscoe Mitchell
Rhyme or Reason- Jane Ira Bloom
Addicted to Love- the Hot Sardines
When I get Low I get High- the Hot Sardines
Show Cat Valley- The Oatmeal Jazz Combo

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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