I want to thank friend of the proGram, Victor Wooten for once aGain gracing us with his voice, his words and his being on the proGram. We spoke of the upcoming show at the Majestic, the symbolism beyond the new albums “Sword & Stone” & Words & Tones”, and most importantly we kept it real about where we all fit in around the naturalist in us all, and how each live show is the moment that matter, all others are rehearsal moments for that time….I enjoy Vic and so many of you seemed to as well…here’s the music that went with the enlightenment, the path up or down if you will:
Dig on it- the Skinny
People Power in the Disco Hour- Clinton
Where’s all the Money Going- Cody Chesnutt
Mama Feel Good- Martha High & Speedometer
Get it (part 1)– Hannah Williams & the Tastemakers
Like Yesterday- Monophonics
Schnobus- Menahan Street Band
Bullet for the Bagman- Menahan Street Band
Lovin’- Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band
El Rabino- 4th Ward Afro Klezmer Orchestra
Abdul the Rabbi- 4th Ward Afro Klezmer Orchestra
Tootie Ma- Preservation Hall Jazz Band (live)
The Lonesome Road- the Heavy
Houses of the Holy- the Resistance Organ Trio
Keep it Low- Victor Wooten
It’s Alright- Victor Wooten
***On air Conversation with Victor Wooten***
Heaven- Victor Wooten