The first portion of the proGram this week provided us, as listeners, to be the alien beings checking out the other world:
Take a Break- Vassar Clements
Mixed Melody- Vassar Clements
I am the Man Thomas- The Devil Makes Three
Turn Your Money Green- Jack Klatt & the Cat Swingers
Cincinnati Flow- Jack Klatt & the Cat Swingers
Rock-n-Roll- Rasputina (live)
Hoist That Rag- Tom Waits
Sunny South Kensington- Donovan
The Wave- Gar Francis
Wide Open- Steve Laudicina
Summertime- Monty & the Cyclones
Fortunate Hijo- Bang Data
Proud Mary- El Tri
Ain’t No Sunshine- Buddy Guy Ft. Tracy Chapman
I Have the Same Old Blues- Magic Slim
Life Support- Grady Champion
Little By Little- Mary Jo Curry
Sat’day Night on the River- Vaneese Thomas
Five Years Hard Labor- Hard Swimmin’ Fish
Hold My Name- Travers Brothership
Pull it- Jeff Beck
Tambourine- moe.
Jungle Birds- Flamingods
Just the Tip- King Llama
Country Chicken- Hip Bones
Free & Brave- Con Brio

Martian South Pole