Last year at Atwoodfest, we were introduced to Jane Lee Hooker who immediately made a lasting impression on many of the people who cauGht their set…..but truly….if you were fortunate enough to hang out with them, you learned right away that these people are real, genuine, cool rockers. They attacked the songs with a ferocious fierceness that seemed to explode out of them, did it all with this unmatched energy and took the familiar and gave it that NYC twists that doesn’t ever really hurt.
Well, they’re coming back!!!
On Sunday, August 27th at 4:30PM at the Orton Park Festival, we welcome our friends from Brooklyn New York back with open, ready to rock AND roll arms. Hightop and I caught up a little about how the band’s year has gone. With a successful album in the rear view mirror now, we spoke about the new release that will be coming out this October and how while there will be a couple covers, this release will be mostly JLH originals. What lead to that in part, was time spent overseas and how much the crowd of fans and now friends I am sure, reacted to their original tunes. I for one, think that getting to know JLH a little more through their own crafted art will certainly lead to another successful collection of tracks. We also spent a little time discussing what it is about places like Madison that help drive the van back to our neighborhood to melt our faces off at one of the many cool festivals this city has to offer.

JLH by Roland Kampfer March 2017