Phew if only. I did a big fat five hours today and it was all over the musical map. The first seven tracks are like a bonus track…..Then it sure did get soulllllfullllly funky….Lots of new miXed in with the old, like the youngsta learning themselves from the elder….Here is the first show of three:
Nice and Easy- Frank Sinatra
Spring (Allegro)- Chinese Baroque Players
Music for a Found Harmonium-Nashville Mandolin Ensemble
Nine Pound Hammer- Garcia/Grisman
Walk to the Water- John Smith
Let Go- J J
Jatil Granthi- Ravi Shankar
Sylvia’s Mother-Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show
The Taker- Kris Kristofferson
I got Stoned and I missed it-Shel Silverstein
The Gas is on- Mark Croft
It ain’t Necessarily So- Mary Lou Williams
Busted- Ray Charles
Hard Work- Smooth & Turrell
Oh Baby-A.C. Jones & the Atomic Aces
Soul Feeling- Frankie Pighee & the Soulettes
Get Down Tonite- Melvin Sparks
Strawberry Lake- the Original 7ven
Concrete Waves- Kendra Morris
Trouble in my Way- the Como Mamas
Baaadnews- JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound
More Mess on my Thing- the Poets of Rhythm
Chicken Half- the Sugarman Three
Darlene- Harvey & the Phenomenals
Chrystal Illusion- Creations Unlimited