as the sound goes up something must come down…we follow this path and with all the morning ears…we open that valve until the up flow is the way we go:
Sigh of Relief- Janine Nichols Semi Free
Direction- Family Cave
Sway- Shannon Whitworth & Barrett Smith
Gone- Jesse Cook
Siesta2Tiƫsto- Ex Norwegian
Strange Times- the Black Keys (live WFUV)
No More Nothing- Fear
Drain- Ringo Deathstarr
Hapanteip- TKTTSM
On the Way to Another Nothing- Tsigoti
Unargued Argument- Tsigoti
Kafka on Ice- Ungdomskulen
Headlights- Night Moves
I Need Help- the Sheepdogs
Capsule- Menomena
What’s Your Name- NO
Better Things to do- Young Rival
Medicine- Pop Levi
Shaking the Colour- Andy Burrows
Addicted to your Fire- Dave Fields
Big American Car- Mike Cullison
Bayou Country- Ian Siegal & the Mississippi Mudhounds
Comfortable (Flyin’ Scotsman)– Ian Hunter
St. Louis Blues- Lou Pallo Ft. Jon Paris/Bob Leive
‘Til I Found you- Susan Tedeschi Ft. Jeff Sipe/Yonrico Scott
Mountain to Climb- Floyd Miles Ft. Gregg Allman
Hear the Voice of the Bard- Martha Redbone