If I hEARd these sounds coming from the chimney, I’d think there was something special going on too:
Sunshine Daydream- Russian National Orchestra
Milestones in the Sunshine- the Jazz Mandolin Project
Intro (ABR)- Jason Moran (live)
Planet Rock- Jason Moran (live)
Paris Blues- Merl Saunders w/Dr. John
Wonderful Christmas- Summer Camp
Shakedown Street- STS9 (live)
Cranky at the Party- Divine Pocket Bouncers
Take off your Cool- Outkast w/Norah Jones
Let no Man put Asunder- Mary J Blige
Jive Jive Jive- Mocean Worker
Djobime- El Rego
Holding my Breath- Lack of Afro (Unity Sextet Remix)
Please, Don’t- Icebird
Bond is Back- Sola Rosa
My Home- Nneka
Talkin’ about the Peace- See I (Ancient Astronauts Remix)
My Favorite Things- LED Vs. Panaphonic
We Three Kings- Kurbis Blumen
O Christmas Tree- Sub Santa
the Goose is Getting Fat- Jon Kennedy
Suo Gan- Rudolph & Blitzen
Faithful ye COme- Tetsumi Nagaka
Santa’s Pissed off-Andy Dick & the Bitches of the Century
Guanabarinu- Cesaria Evora (live)
Angola- Cesaria Evora (live)