The second half of the proGram went its distance….and the unknown direction had no bumps and several twisting turns just riGht for the wandering ear soul:
Alligator Crocodile- Lew Soloff
Small Town Blues- Mark Egan
Agency- Harris Eisenstadt (live)
Jericho- Nat Osborn Band
Drunken Ecstasy- Silk Sounds
Nangadef- Steve Turre
Pocket Full of Blues- Cyrus Chestnut (live)
Karma- Frank Catalano
I Can’t Breathe- Marcus Miller Ft. Chuck D & Mocean Worker
Running out of Time From Cosmic Indigenous- Marc Cary
Ice Cream Sammich- Skeebo Knight
Them That Got- Maceo Parker
Soul Power- Greg Hester
Butter Ona’ Biscuit- Pho
Who the Hell is Tina- Low Cut Connie
Taste So Good- Low Cut Connie
The River- the London Souls
My War- the Skints
Island Girl- Rocky Dawuni
Give Up the Ghost Dub- John Brown’s Body
Zota Yinne- Alogte Oho Jonas & His Sounds of Joy
Suro Yuama- Guy One