Within The Mush Room

The first portion of a litte pre-show fillin’ in proGram knows of the powers it contains and added SUM sounds to the feelings:

E.T.- Alex Goodman
Inner Motion- Anson Wright

Pu: 14- Ville Herrala
How’s Never- Massimo Biolcati Ft. Dayna Stephens, Sam Yahel & Jongkuk Kim
Duke Ellington’s Sound of Love- Massimo Biolcati Ft. Dayna Stephens, Sam Yahel & Jongkuk Kim
Thread- Justin Varnes Ft. Nick Rosen/Kevin Smith/Mark Rapp/Luke Weathington/John Sandfort
Movement III:Beware the Wolf and Serpent- Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra w/Wynton Marsalis Ft. Sherman Irby

Quite Frankly- Sam Hirsh
Kyoto Shuffle- Sam Hirsh
No C!- Sam Hirsh

Den- Chris Poland

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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