Moist Paula Henderson

From Burnt Sugar the Arkestra Chamber to Secretary (with or without Big Boss) to Moisturizer, check out all the projects friend of the radio program “Moist” Paula Henderson has been up to since she arrived in New York some 15 years or so ago. While we go way back, every time I see her or hear her music It is a constant re-FRESHer course in soundology. From the avant to the rockin’, Paula has her horn and will travel to the next destination on a wave of inspiration and an eye for the inevitable changes life in music dictates. When you listen to this conversation, consider it just that…a chat between two friends with the premise that it’s all about the music in mind-WHATEVER form that music may take.

Check out my conversation with Paula here.


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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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