Jump On or In

The middle part of the proGram had steps or splash built in.

Nothingville- Dale Watson
Starvation Box- Dale Watson
Tejas Motel- Ole Lonesome

greenarrowwradio promo- Mark Cameron
Sorry- Mark Cameron
Amsterdam Blues- Reverend Freakchild
Hippy Bluesman Blues- Reverend Freakchild

***pre-recorded conversation with Rökker from Atwoodfest***
Jericho- Jane Lee Hooker
***pre-recorded conversation w/Hightop of Jane Lee Hooker***
Jane Lee Hooker Drive- Jane Lee Hooker

Feel That- Helen Kelter Skelter
Ship Of Fools- Helen Kelter Skelter

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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