Filling The Whole Hole

The middle portion of the proGram was wondering how much would it take to fill the entire wooden opening:

The Facts- Jason Yeager Ft. Farayi Malek, Matthew Stubbs & Cosimo Boni
Protest- Jason Yeager Ft. Mark Walker & Fernando Huergo
For Elise- Electric Beethoven Ft. Reed Mathis, Todd Stoops, Clay Welch, Josh Raymer

Binding of Isaac- Gil Goldstein, Fritz K Renold & Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol Ft. Jazzaar Global Ensemble, Lydia Renold, Dmitry Zinakov & Billy Cobham
Aurur, Juju- Carmen Sandim
Undergrowth- Carmen Sandim
Gone To Earth- Go: Organic Orchestra & Brooklyn Raga Massive
Africa 21- Go: Organic Orchestra & Brooklyn Raga Massive

Reverence (To Aretha)- Randy Brecker / Ada Rovatti
Wareika Goodbye- Monty Alexander
Bye Ya- Monty Alexander
Maktub- Yelfris Valdes Ft. Simo Lagnawi

Tea For Two- John Yao’s Triceratops
It’s Not Unusual- Richie Cole & Tony Monaco

Funus Imaginarium- Ghost Rhythms (live at Yoshiwara)
Xanadu- Ghost Rhythms (live at Yoshiwara)
Tequila Mockingbird- Ramsey Lewis & Urban Knights Ft. Charles Heath & Tim Gant

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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