It has been many years since I was told I should check out Railroad Earth doing their thing live and each time something either came up or it just never worked out….well, this time I made sure to make sure I was there and I was not disappointed. There is something to their “jamgrass rock” that really gets me feelin’ more than alright. While I missed the opening act of Vince Herman’s Great American Taxi this time around to watch baseball, I am sure that the billing of there two acts made so much sense (after all I caught G.A.T’s set last time around), and drew the right kind of crowd for each set…certainly I couldn’t get enough of that down home feeling I was getting from the people in attendance. I love the fiddle, I love the mandolin and I love rockin’….so put those three things together and you got such a trip on the Railroad Earth that you don’t care to know where or when your stop arrives. For their part, RRE kicked it into overdrive towards the end of their first set and the explosiveness continued when they returned to the stage, leaving me to ask myself, “What took you so long to get to one of their shows?” And I am now able to say simply…FINALLY.
Took a Trip on Railroad Earth
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