Ecolonomics is to demonstrate that creating a symbiotic relationship between a strong economy and a healthy ecology is the only formula for a sustainable future: develop non-polluting technologies that turn into viable ecolonomic businesses identity, research, demonstrate and promote clean and inexhaustible energy sources assist inventors of ecolonomic technologies obtain legal and other support implement ecolonomics curricula nationwide conduct ecolonomics courses and workshops via the Internet publsih literature for young people underscoring the interdependence of our ecology and economy produce ecolonomics public service announcements for radio and television stage dynamic media events demonstrating ecolonomic technologies. For more information head over to the Institute of Ecolonomics website here. Amongst the strategies of the Institute to achieve this are:
1. Develop non-polluting technologies that turn into viable ecolonomic/sustainable businesses.
2. Identify, research, demonstrate and promote clean and inexhaustible energy sources.
3. Assist inventors of Ecolonomic technologies in obtaining legal and other support.
4. Implement Ecolonomic curriculum nationally and internationally.
This movement is heading to thoughts and innovations that will hopefully assist in the sustainable nature of our economy and our environment and is often something I know I think about maybe even without realization. It’s worth taking a few moments to check it out..if you so desire.